Many people believe that it will not work to improve health and restore the body after long term use of nicotine. People don't give up a bad habit or make the addiction worse. Medicine, however, claims that a person who quits smoking only benefits an hour after the last cigarette.
Changes after quitting smoking

The body has an incredible ability to heal itself. As soon as the toxic tar, nicotine stops entering the body, the cleaning of damaged tissue begins. For a month without a cigarette, the brain rebuilds itself, breaking the cycle of addiction.
The first hours
Barely 20 minutes after the last cigarette smoked, blood pressure, heart rate, hand and foot temperatures return to normal. The concentration of carbon monoxide decreases, oxygen enters the blood, tissues and blood vessels are nourished. After 8 hours, the amount of nicotine remaining in the blood is reduced to 6. 25% of the usual level per day, which is 93. 75% less.
After 12 hours, the oxygen in the blood returns to normal and the carbon monoxide decreases. The heart beats more slowly, the risk of stroke is reduced by half. The person is happy with the decision, the mood rises.
Food cravings appear rarely, only for 2-3 minutes, and it is easy to distract from them.
First day
The activity of recovery processes increases every day:
- Nicotine levels are reduced to negligible amounts.
- The heart rate is stabilized. The veins and arteries do not experience spasms.
- The taste and smell sensations become sharper.
- After three days, the lungs increase in size. The bronchi are clear.
- The tone of blood vessels is restored.
- The internal organs are gradually being renewed.
- On the fourth day, blood flow to the brain returns to normal.
- On the sixth day, the dark mucus is removed. Inflammation of the nerve endings is relieved.
In the first days, physiological changes are very active, the body quickly gets rid of poisons. Against this background, dizziness, ringing in the ears, increases in blood pressure appear. The psychological state changes every day from euphoria to irritability, tearing, insomnia, bouts of hunger or refusal to eat, to headaches.
Quitting smoking abruptly is not as difficult as going through the first week without a cigarette. By overcoming this obstacle, the chances of getting rid of addiction are greatly increased.
First weeks
On the seventh day, the physical dependence on tobacco ends. The body begins to function fully and normally without additional nicotine. Emotionally, a person at this time feels devastated.
Smoking is not a physiological need, but a common daily ritual.
Over the next two to four weeks, due to improved blood circulation, the quality of life changes dramatically:
- Shortness of breath practically disappears. Lung function is increased by 30%.
- Sports endurance increases.
- Sight and hearing improve.
- The chronic cough stops.
- The cells of the stomach, pancreas and intestines are renewed.
- The overall energy level is increasing.
- The immune system is strengthened.
One year later
The decision to suddenly quit smoking will completely change your life.
There is an influx of energy, health improves:
- The second month - the cells will be renewed 2-3 times.
- Third, the blood vessels will be restored.
- Fourth, the skin will change, the internal organs will return to normal, they will become like those of non-smokers.
- Fifth - regeneration of the liver occurs.
- Sixth - the blood will be completely renewed, breathing will become much easier, the muscles will be stronger.
The processes continue until the end of the year, bringing positive changes in all areas. In a few months, the risks of erectile dysfunction decrease and the chances of a healthy sex life increase, regardless of gender.
Smoking thins the cerebral cortex. There are issues with decision making, risk, lack of control over their condition, dementia premature and 14% of Alzheimer's disease cases worldwide. Quitting smoking immediately is the right conclusion. In 11 smoke-free months, the bark thickens and the quality of thoughts, decisions and actions improves.
After a year, the body will fully recover. The risk of stroke will be 30 to 35%. The likelihood of a heart attack will be halved. The risk of cancer, liver disease will decrease by 90%.
The consequences of suddenly stopping smoking
Quitting smoking abruptly does not always mean putting a lot of stress on the human psyche and body. When the "smoky" experience is short, the separation will pass peacefully, if it is long, difficulties will certainly arise.
Quitting smoking after 50 is more difficult due to chronic illnesses. Having overcome addiction at this age, there is a chance to increase the length and quality of life.
For appearance
The fears of excessive weight gain are justified, because the rejection of nicotine causes attacks of hunger, cravings for sweets. These phenomena disappear. Good nutrition helps shed pounds gained. Tomatoes, eggplants, cauliflower, potatoes contain a percentage of nicotine. These vegetables will help reduce cravings for tobacco, lose weight, and are not harmful to your health.
For internal organs
- Immunity loses a stimulant, becomes depressed. At first it is quite possible to catch a cold or catch a virus.
- Cough - poisons do not enter, do not envelop the walls of the lungs and bronchi, and sputum flows out, deep groans intensify. The attacks are more frequent. They are associated with cleaning the pulmonary apparatus of resins. Sometimes the process speaks of inflammation, and it will not be superfluous to see a doctor.
- Dizziness - constantly spasmodic vessels begin to dilate and cause such a reaction.
- Intestine - there is a restructuring, renewal of the mucous membrane, as a result, the stool is disturbed.
For the well-being
Headaches, muscle spasms associated with internal organs, appear at the first stage and quickly go away. Working capacity, memory, ability to concentrate deteriorate, drowsiness or insomnia occurs. These symptoms are normal for a nicotine-free diet. The reason is a surge of oxygen and the body "doesn't know" what to do with it.
For the mood
Irritability, anxiety, depression, aggressiveness accumulate due to the loss of usual pleasure. These phenomena last from several days to a week, they disappear over time.
Nicotine withdrawal syndrome
Anything that torments at the initial stage, when a person has suddenly decided to quit smoking, is called abstinence. This is an acute shortage of constantly received substances, an attempt by the body to restore balance.
The syndrome appears shortly after the last cigarette.
It lasts from a few days to two to three months, gradually weakening:
- Breathing becomes difficult, shortness of breath appears, the cough intensifies.
- The stool is upset, the appetite is disturbed, there are unpleasant taste sensations in the oral cavity. The food becomes disgusting, constantly nauseous.
- Hands shake, a person sweats, does not sleep, worries, gets irritated. Attention and memory are scattered.
- The duration of the syndrome depends on the number of years a person smokes, the number of cigarettes they consume per day.
The psychological attitude is important: if it is decisive, then there is little abstinence. When forced, the symptoms will be severe and prolonged.
What to do:
- Endure, show restraint.
- Use special preparations.
- Avoid smoking companies.
- Walk more.
- Engage in tight work.
- Change your diet. Give up alcohol.
- Increase physical activity.
- Read helpful literature.
If you feel like a blackout is approaching, you can't cope with it - see a doctor. He will prescribe medication for you.
What happens if you start to smoke again
Health problems will appear quickly. Taking a break from smoking has a beneficial effect on the functioning of all systems in the body. He stopped the development of diseases caused by long-term consumption of nicotine. If a rehabilitated smoker with experience takes over the old one, the problems will resume with force, become irreversible.
Having started smoking after a break, people in a very short time increase their tobacco consumption two to three times and can no longer stop. This is how all dependencies work.